Tuesday, April 15, 2008

kursus ketutu 12 april,2008

Peserta kursus ternakan ketutu siri 4/08 pada 12hb April, 2008 di Petaling Jaya


rubenma said...

Terima kasih kerana telah memberi ilmu baru kepada saya. Looking forward towards the formation of the club. Hari itu lupa tanya, adakah ornamental fish juga memerlukan kaedah yang sama untuk trasport, quarantine dan bela?
Sekali lagi thank you.

Bnanaq said...

Hi Mr Hanafiah,
I am interested in your course but I would like to know if there is still opportunity to open up a farm after learning how to rare the fishes. Are there still places like rivers to open up the farm? Is there a chance to for a piece of land at the river since this industry is quite populated? What is the minimum capital to do so?
I hope that you could shed some lights on these issues, or it is even better if you could have a course on venturing into this industry from a financial perspective.